i found this on the net today...sorry i didn't get a credit - but whoever did this please know that it is amazing! Please let me know if you come across this so i can credit the right person - so yes its not my words, not my design, not mine! so in lieu of this ...i also found a layout copied from my book on someone's blog....yeah you guessed it - no credit there either. no apology either for not crediting. let me know your thoughts on this moral dilemma - to credit or not to credit!
I will keep going, keep fighting, keep on this path no matter how harsh the conditions, no matter how cruel the critics, no matter how confused the onlookers, no matter how steep the trail, no matter how gray the sky, no matter how what direction others are going...I will keep going this way that God has sent me on this path that God has put me on, I will keep joyfully going until He gives me my very last breath.M. Jighetti
all content and images are copyright (c) by jowilna nolte and or scrapcouture. please refrain from using my ideas, layouts, cards and other projects for teaching purposes. the ideas and samples shared here are for your own personal use alone and may not be used for publication purposes or monetary gain.
guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23