
easter egg jar

I am Loving the Easter egg selection from woolies this year...bright and happy and fun. I bought these and just chucked them in one of my old glass jars for some eye candy around the house. Needless to say I think the jar is already empty...and needs refilling. Go figure for trying to have a bright and beautiful display with men around. Have a wonderful week!

missing you

I'm missing this little guy so much. I am sure he has grown a couple of inches since the last time we saw him...in September 2008! Hopefully they will visit Easter weekend but won't bet my life on it. The layout is of his first birthday party that only my mom attended. Yes I know...one day they will say that I have an aunt somewhere - but for now that will have to do. I guess having family living far away has its postives and negatives.

re-use & re-purpose

Use buttons as a quick and easy way of repeating colours
in your patterned paper or visuals.To add texture thread the
buttons with embroidery thread or thin cord.
Close-up details of the different buttons I used to add dimension & texture.

Use three different sized buttons stacked on top of each other for
a custom made embellishment. Adhere them together
using a liquid adhesive or thread with a thin leather
cord, and then attach it to the ribbon on the front of your card.

Just a quick share this morning of some cards I made using recycled stuff. The green polkadot cardstock is making memories packaging from their clear stamps. The pretty flower images was taken from a TopBilling magazine. I simply added a few buttons and some ribbon and stamped a sentiment on each card and there you go. It just goes to show you don't really need so much fancy stuff to be truly creative and just make pretty stuff. Here's to a creative and inspired weekend.


Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun." {mary lou cook}
if a picture could speak a million words of happiness this is how I feel.The reason is creativity! When friends get together and play and create and drink coffee and have delicious cake and just share...this makes me happy!We had such a blessed time of sharing and creating and saving souls and just having a time-out from everyday life on Tuesday with the bird canvas class. I will share photos of veryone's creations at a later stage - but they were all stunning - each made to suit their personalities and homes, taking on a life of their own! Thanks so much to everyone for joining in the fun...can't wait for the next one.Have a stunning weekend.

easter faberge egg...my version

i can hardly believe we are heading into April already. But in the spirit of Easter I am making some Easter inspired projects that I will post over the next 2 weeks. First up is this little number...my version of the Faberge egg. No I have not counted the number of pins used or how long it took me, but it is pretty mind numbing and stunning! (sorry the pic is a bit dark) Ok so the base is a polystyrene egg covered with sequence and pins. The only break in the pins is the ribbon band about 3/4 down. I dyed some tags with dylon in french navy and then just added making memories flowers from their Easter range last year. For those who feel pretty brave these make wonderful name place cards for Easter morning breakfast. You could make smaller ones for each member of the family and then include their names on the tags. Hope you feel inspired!

singles...a nice change

It was a refreshing change to do a few single layouts. The bonus was to use only a few sheets of left-overs, some embellishments and 3 full sheets of paper/cardstock fo the base. I love this K&Co paper and although it is not quite my colours there is something peaceful and beautiful about the soft delicate colours and feminine patterns. The stamping was done in a dark grey instead of black and I love how it turned out. It is just not as harsh as the black. The single layouts are for those odd photos I have lying around and in an attempt to once again clean out some boxes I decided to scrap them. And no they won't be going into an album...but into another box filled with completed layouts until I can find the albums that I really like, want and can afford about 20 all at once! Hope your week is filled with lots of blessings.

the final analysis

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centred; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you have anyway.
You see in the final analysis, it is all between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway! Mother Theresa I have been feeling a bit like this little guy did...with broken wings! Failing to soar to where I want to be or need to get! And then I found the final analysis by Mother Theresa today amongst some papers while doing filing it made me feel better and give renewed hope to face the coming weeks and maybe even the coming months.What inspires me still even when feeling down are the ladies from scrapbooking. They were strangers and then become customers ...and now they are friends! Dear friends who means a lot more than what they will ever know. Thank you for all your love, support and laughs ... for sharing in my passion and sharing bits and pieces of your lives through the photos that you so passionately and creatively preserve.
Have a fabulous weekend

home is on a canvas

Looking forward to this canvas class next week.I had lots of fun creating it after demolishing another canvas that just wasn't coming together. Most of the products used is either something I had, recycled or repurposed. This seems to be the common thread around crafting today - reuse,recycle,repurpose. Not a bad thing altogether if you take a look at the sorry state the world finds itself in. One thing is true and I so love this quote: Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...

inchies canvas

Worth every inch...playing with small pieces of paper and old clock parts is pure bliss. This canvas has been around for a while but I still love it for the obvious reasons of pulling out my favourite stamps and just playing with them, and for using up little scraps of paper and rub-ons.It hangs just above my desk with 11 other inspirational pieces that I love including some empty frames, framed pieces of my favourite papers, a canvas or two, a piece of painted paper from Celine Nevarro's class and a butterfly montage.This wall is pure organised chaos that inspires me and I love looking at it. Have a creative week.

mini inspiration

A little bit of mini-album inspiration from my friend Benice! Thanks B for the little gem designed by another friend and artist Melani de Groot. I used a 7Gypsies envelope album I had started yonks ago and never finished (gasp!). So it took some digging to find it under the dust and clutter, pulling off the cover and then finished it in an afternoon, night and then well into the next morning! The fabulous Webster's Pages patterned papers grace the cover and inside! Thanks B for discovering and purchasing these sweet gems. And thanks to Linita for listening to her inner and 6 outer voices to actually bring in the stuff!! Apart from the beautiful life art quotes inside I added some index sized photos with lots of meaning and heart!

Sit back relax...

This is an old layout but a firm favourite using some of my favourite stamps. The photos are of an old chair that has been in the family for generations. The message is to take a breather every now and again and just sit and relax! To get new perspective of the daily things that often get in the way of life! Enjoy.

Pray moo tag

This is a tag I made purely out of what I felt on saturday. To be quiet within myself and to pray not just for myself but for others too! The technique used is a new thing I have been playing with for a while now and am really loving the effect and look. If you want to know more about what I did you can purchase the new issue of imagine e-magazine available the 16th March. The centre image is stamped and placed on a 'moo' card. I love how this little decoration adds a focal point but still leaves my technique background visible. Have a blessed day, and pray for someone that's on your mind.

so very new

ok so this blogging thing is all very new to me but for now we will give it a try. This will be a spot to share some of my creative endeavours with those who are interested...and for the rest of you I am sure there will be another place where you will feel at home, and that's ok!

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