
Christmas in July – Peace Pennant.

7:03:00 PM

Welcome to Christmas in July – the month of good intentions of getting ahead of the festive crazies and prepare for a magical and peaceful time during the holidays. And with all the gorgeous Christmas Kaisercraft releases we can expect this year, it sure is going to be a glitzy affair! 

One that I am really excited about. I love the festive season mostly for its wreaths. Yes I am that girl that can have a million wreaths around the house all years long and still love them come Christmas time. So what better way than to create a little festive magic with a miniature wreath on a pennant that can welcome guests at the front door or be used on the fire place, heck anywhere that something can hang – this peaceful pennant can bring good cheer to all who sees it.
I started off by using the beautiful Silent Night Christmas paper to create a pennant base. Then added paper strips and punched borders to complete the look. On top of the pennant is a cut out Santa, more paper strips and a beautiful pennant created from the patterned papers and collectables pack.

step 1 - Punch a selection of leaves from the Kaisercraft Silent Night paper.

step 2 - On a pre-made circle element, add a circle of Tombow Mono Multi adhesive and place the leaves in a circle all around it. I used two different patterns and shades of green of leaves to create interest.
 step 3 - Add Tape Wormz foam tape to the back of another circle element from the collection pack.
step 4 - Adhere the element over the leaves on the base element. The dimension gives the wreath a beautiful 3D look.
step 5 - Create the pennant from a base paper. Add a strip of high tack tape to the top of the pennant.
step 6 - Adhere a strip of ribbon to the tape for a really permanent hold.
I hope that you’ve enjoyed the first of the Christmas in July projects that will be running over the next month.

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