it's march madness over at scrapbookchallenges and we are having loads of fun! we started off with a fun challenge where the design team goes head to head with each other. we are in the race to complete certain challenges over the next couple of days and weeks. it started off with the 16 of us - we had to create a layout using the latters from our names and finding the corresponding item and then use that on a layout e.g j - journaling, o - one little word, w - washi tape, i - ink, l - lace, n - neon catch my drift! yeah well what;s up with the neon and lace? so not my thing but i had fun creating this one....
so if you wanna play along then head on over to scrapbook challenges and look for all the march madness going on. you could play along and win a fabulous prize - or you could just head on over and give my layout a vote if you wanna! OR just become a member and join in the fun. well there you have it and so this is my layout...
so if you wanna play along then head on over to scrapbook challenges and look for all the march madness going on. you could play along and win a fabulous prize - or you could just head on over and give my layout a vote if you wanna! OR just become a member and join in the fun. well there you have it and so this is my layout...

- 5:30:00 PM