
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

sketch 13 layout at scrap africa.

wow, can you believe day 2 of a new year already. Well, time to get back into the groove of things and we have a new sketch up over at Scrap Africa. 
i loved working with this sketch and had some time to dig out a couple of older family photos to finally get scrapped. oh wait, that's only because my ink is running low and our local shop will only get stock next week...bummer, but worth it in the end. to get a look at the sketch and what the other design team members have done, hop on over here and play along with us. there's also some fabulous prizes up for grabs. and here's my layout....

i combined some favourite things together like, crate paper, basic grey chipboard elements, kaisercraft printed flowers etc.....simply loved all the bright colours.
clusters of pearls are grouped in the centers of the flowers to add some dimension - loved this effect
wishing you a creative week and start to 2013. thanks for stopping by and remember there's some awesome goodies from Fabscraps up for grabs.

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