
Thursday, January 3, 2013

scrapbook studio event sneak peek 2.

things are getting hectic around here with the time drawing nearer for the BIG scrapbook studio event in February. layouts are done, kits are being packed 1500km from where i am, notes are being printed, and arrangements finalized. it's a huge thing organizing and collating everything - getting everyone to do what they have to in time. so it's time for another sneak peek - this time a Kaisercraft layout with some fun techniques on it. so hope you've booked your seat for it.....

it's been raining through the night here. i love it. i could so easily live in the UK and never ever see the sun again. i don't like the heat and i don't like Africa as much i am loving this weather. wishing you a creative day....i am clearing out the store room. have sorted through some cupboard in the house and managed to get one sorted and cleared of empty boxes and useless stuff. so i am making a pile of give-away, donate, purge, workers and dustbin. 
i am also trying to figure out what to do with 3000 plus sheets of scrapbooking papers, 2 crates of chipboard stuff, loads of magazines, 40 crates of imported handmade chinese papers, other stuff from my childhood, scrapbook frames in crates, more magazines and more stuff? the thing is i would give it all away probably to find out i need some of it tomorrow .... and on the other hand i want to give it all away and just live (an ordinary) life...or maybe....
well life is confusing and i need to maybe grow up and take things into my own hands for a change. the thing is there are alwyas those who just can't leave things alone and they have to interfere and complicate things. what's with that. people thinking they can play God just to find out they themselves are useless individuals....
here's hoping for peace, hearing God's voice clearly today, problem solving, an outcome to my situation and making wise decisions regarding people.
oh well....hope you are having a good week of purging and cleaning out for 2013 to be a blank slate.

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