
Monday, December 30, 2013


why is it that guilt creeps up on us so easily..even when we try and avoid it it has a nasty way of just being there. anyways i am still trying to catch up on things, ticking of to-do lists, and trying to be creative at the same time. yet it seems that i have no energy for anything and am feeling rather flat at the moments. so no updates and no new posts on the Cuttlebug, which i promise i will finish and continue with as soon as i am caught up! 
one thing that i managed to do this weekend is paint the one bedroom wall which was actually 3 walls counting the huge *blunder* of a grey wall i conveniently or subconsciously forgot about - anyways it IS DONE! and it feels really good. it took me most of Saturday and then i did the antiquing liquid on Sunday to get rid of the "off" paint smell.
funny thing that - when you leave paint to stand for months on end it tends to go rotten and get the most horrific smell! anyways a quick stir and off we went. thankfully the strong oil smell covered the paint odour and all is well in the household again! *note to self...use paint and do not store!
after said paint and oil layer was dry i got to hang the crystals and finish off my chandelier! oh my heart is well now - and i am in love. i do think that i may have to have another one of those beauties - so save some moolah and find a spot and just maybe it may happen in this coming year.
and not to bore you too much below is a sneak peak of a design team layout i completed and uploaded
creativity = 1 messy kitchen = 0
wishing you an awesome Monday. i am trying to clean the kitchen and throw out some mismatched and odd glasses, mugs and general crap that tends to collect over time, then some creative play and writing an article! how are you keeping busy?

1 comment:

  1. missed you over Chistmas ! hope you had a lovely / peaceful one !
    I love that freakin grey heart with the jumble of gold thread !
    have to have that layout soon
    much love J


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