
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

travelling and teaching.

I am off tomorrow morning to Cape Town - the oh so beautiful mother city with the big mountain and even bigger blue beyond.i am excited and at the same time i so wish that my better half could come with - he is from Cape Town and so  misses being there. who wouldn't right!
i am excited to see my brother and his wife and kids - they must be so big and my photos of them are seriously dated and outgrown! but i am traveling for work - to teach at the Scrapping4Cahrity event - such a worthy cause raising money for the 'aged'. those who have kids and never see them - those who have outlived all their kids, or those who never had kids.
i am also teaching a card class at The Scraphouse - so looking forward to that as well - meeting longtime cyber friends and getting to meet more new and enthusiastic scrappers and crafters. I love my job! below is a little peak at one of the cards i am teaching - love how they turned out!
it's been a hectic week and i still haven't worked through the to do pile - which has to be done before i can actually get onto the plane. in the meantime i am hoping my kits arrived safely at their destination - always a bit of a worry - bags are triple checked and even then you still think you have forgotten something! oh well....then we just make do! thanks for stopping by - i won't promise to blog from the road - it's Cape Town people!!!
see you next week with some more exciting and crafty news and projects! love you madly!


  1. You'd better bring warm clothing Jowilna. It is freezing here. Never been to the Scraphouse. Must google it. Lovely cards.

  2. Enjoy Cape Town and teaching Jowilna.


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