
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

mixed media canvas.

things are slowly getting back to normal and into some kind of routine after a hectic 2 weeks of traveling, teaching, parties and more scrapbooking events. but it's all good and i love it. the only negative is that you have to get back into normal/diet eating habits, design team responsibilities that have gone astray along the way and the mundane like washing and packing the dish washer.but God has been good and this year seems to be better than the last couple. God is good in so many little ways and then in so many miracle BIG ways. I think it also has to do with a change of mindset from my side. i will no longer be abuse and used and take a back seat to those who think they are better than everyone. we all deserve a piece of the sun! one of the projects i have done lately and am  very proud of is a specially designed mixed media canvas for Scrapbook Studio JBay's Retreat. I love how this canvas turned out. it started off slow and then turned into this thing i love with all my heart - it's amazing what paint and Mister Huey inks can do for the soul!
the base of the canvas consists of patterned papers that are covered up in a process of layering. the girls were totally freaked out but in the end the result was spectacular. some punched flowers with beaded centers.
beautiful prima flowers for a touch of the unexpected
old rusty nails straight from the farm shed combined with delicate ribbon and lace
hope you have a wonderful creative week filled with blessings. i am blessed each and every day! 
my totally messed up story is worth telling....this is what scrapbooking is doing for me this week!

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