
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

december daily day 3, 4 and 5.

the thing about December daily is that it is real - it's about the real things we do in our everyday day 3, 4 and 5 is random things happening - some fun and some still work. both for which i am very grateful. we are blessed! day 3 was well received with a great big gift parcel filled with home baked Greek goodies! they are amazing.
day 4 saw us watching Ice Age 4 for a bit of R&R. just chilling. i pulled an image off the internet and printed it onto photo paper. i added a till slip from groceries. my patterned paper choice for this fun day was the SN@P range by Simple Stories. i love the bright fun and festive colours in the range. the keep calm and snap on bit was cut from the packaging found on the album cover.
...snap on was also the theme for day 5 as we headed off to a photoshoot for some work related design work. we booked some studio time and spent most of the day doing what i love most -  playing with cameras! i used the invoice from the studio as part of my background and filled in bits and pieces using Teresa Collins, simple stories, American crafts and kaisercraft.
how's your december daily going? i am keeping it simple - it's not about the what but about the story behind the everyday, the extraordinary ordinary things.i do this for myself - to capture at least one month a year showcasing bits of our life just in case we very blessed we are.

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