
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

magazine work and christmas spirit.

I am so not ready for Christmas to be here again. every year it comes around *no surprise there - but it just seems like it is here too quickly each and every year. i have been busy with Christmas projects and articles since July so i am sort of done right now. all i want for Christmas is peace on earth, for people to stop gossiping, stop making fun of others, stop with all the pettiness going on and just do something nice for someone who doesn't owe you anything. i am trying to do my part and just do something nice for someone who doesn't deserve it - the quote that constantly plays on my mind...."because everyone is fighting their own battle". it doesn't make their battle more or less important than yours - it just means that you actually don't know what the next person you meet is going through so why add to the agony of life. lets be nice again!let God shine through  us again!
I had the privelage of doing some simple Christmas crafts for The Christmas Magazine this year. a publication dedicated to shopping ideas, gifts, recipes and crafts to keep the kids busy. it is available from most outlets so why not take a look - you may be inspired.
and then as we wind down towards December, with 2 class sessions behind us for Scrapbookex and 1 left in Cape Town on December 8th - i can't wait to share the projects with you. i simply loved working with the beautiful product and meeting up with some wonderful and familiar faces. i am always so happy to see so many dedicated scrappers still loving the craft and still loving what i do, learning some small techniques that have a BIG impact. i still love teaching! i am also toying with the idea of another December Daily album and am hoping to get some product this week, which puts me behind schedule already - and i can't decide if i should clear my work table first from months and months of project stuff or just work around and in between the mess and dust? mmmm priorities.


  1. Work in the mess, it is familiar by now and we all do it, when I clear my desk, I can't find a thing!

  2. Congratulations on your publication. I am with you on "the leaving pettiness behind and just doing something nice for somebody else." This is the time of the year to be a blessing to others.


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