
Saturday, August 18, 2012

oh hello.....and some olympic spirit crafting.

So sorry for not popping in excuses just life. that's all. life in all it's simple and complicated glory, it's raw reality, and it's beautiful mess, that's all. and sometimes it's good to just break away and not to stare into the bright white screen of my laptop so often. i must admit i have become a bit slack in that department. i don;t spend as much time surfing my favourite 3 blogs and i really am not to interested in the things out there. call it crazy or whatever - but it's been my reality as i work through the many questions about life i have.and no...i haven't received any significant life changing answers in case you are wondering. but enough of that. so here i am finally.... where have i been. well i have been to Bloemfontein and taught some awesome ladies. kind, compassionate, talented and above all humble and appreciative. what have i realized. that most scrappers have become very spoilt! where are the days when you came to class with photos...and made them worked. Nowadays it's sneak peaks, photo requirements, colour swatches, paper samples and and and....(well maybe i am exaggerating a bit) but you get the idea. having said that the ladies in Bloem coped really well. Then i started working on 6 different classes to go down to the Eastern Cape to teach...and you guessed it same thing. well by class number 6 i had no notes, no photos and no sneak peaks - bad bad me. and guess what - they coped. and they all had stunning cards at the end of the day with only working off my samples. and in between all of that i am working of 6 article deadlines for a magazine, other design team projects, trying to clean my house, do laundry, feed the dogs, make class layouts, booking dates up to April i am sure you understand why i have been absent. please don't get me wrong - i LOVE being busy - the more you do the more you can do! but sometimes you need to take a break from blogging and life in general. So came Friday (yesterday) i took a break and painted my bedroom (well 2 of the 4 walls)...since i had a suspicion that the paint may go off if i don't get my behind into gear quickly....and i enjoyed it and love the walls and have aches and pains everywhere. so that's where i have been...but i am back! and just to let you know i love teaching scrapbooking more than ever before...just incase i needed reminding and had second thoughts...
but i won't leave you empty's a little project i did for 
in celebration of the Olympic games.
Products used:
Petaloo Flowers and Graphic 45 butterflies distributed by The Wholesaler South Africa
Union Jack paper by Scrapbook
and yes it may be a little crazy and weird, but i love it! so please head on over to the blog and read all about it and leave some love. Then head back to my blog and leave some love telling me you did so and i will see what i can put together as a little give-away for you guys....just because you stuck around so patiently!
PS....i love flowers! have a wonderful weekend...i will be back soon with some layouts to share.


  1. Your project is cute. I am so glad you took the time to take a break...and get things done around the house. I took nearly two months off blogging and it was good not to waste so many hours blog hopping.

  2. Beautiful boots and I absolutely love your typewriter card and layout!


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