
Friday, June 29, 2012

it's been a while.

it's been a while since i have hung out here - and there a few good reasons and some not so good reasons. you know how it goes.
well first i have had a busy couple of weeks and months. all good.
i have done so much and managed to get even more done around the house. in the last attempts i shuffling things around my 'studio' part of the lounge. yip - there i said it.
i have no fancy studio. well technically i have - it's built but have no roof and no doors.
in the meantime i am painting the entire house to calm things down for myself. 
light. cream. fresh. french.
i am painting a lot of furniture. doing a shop renovation for a client and friend.
painting more furniture. making wish lists. cleaning. organizing. purging. creating.
i have also realised a few things.
that there are still a few good people on earth. generous people. loving people. real friends.
i have come to accept my creative life and what it is. good and bad.
i am comfortable with my creativity and won't change it for anything. and shouldn't.
that the little things in life really are the big things.
that i need to write down all the little things my better half says - they crack me up.
they make me smile and he makes me happy. extremely happy.
to love abundantly while we have it. to seize the day. to learn from each other.
and above all not to judge because until you have been in my shoes - you just don't know.
so having said that...
have you been to to shop
- they have amazing goodies for cheap.
also see the beautiful design team work by Mariaan on the blog at
have you checked out the challenge over at
and have you become a member at yet?
so what are you waiting for. since it is so cold out and you need some creative input this weekend why not hand around the web for a while. we would love for you to visit us.
and lastly visit to see the amazing things you can do with the beautiful products brougth to the South African market by this dedicated and faithful supplier of scrapbooking goodies
check back later tomorrow for some scrapping goodness. have a wonderful weekend and thanks for sticking around. you are loved!


  1. Lovely heartfelt post. I can't wait for the Woman's day crop at the Scrapbook Studio...and meeting you:-)

  2. good to hear from you!! will be really great to see you again! want to see some pics of the shop you are renovating and all the furniture and the house and and and ............(some things don't change..........!!!) xx

  3. I've missed reading your posts... but have seen your lovely creations on the Wholesaler so I knew where you were... hehehe.


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