
Friday, April 27, 2012

mother's day challenge at scrap africa.

Over at the scrap Africa blog we have a mother's day challenge. we here in SA celebrate out mom's in the month of may and so we got a head start on creating some cards and other beautiful projects. i was inspired by Easter for my project. as soon as i saw the Easter box at woolies i knew i was going to up cycle it into something. the vision was there but to execute it took a bit of time - once i got started however everything fell into place.and so here's the little guy that started it all...not much to look at if you know what i mean, well maybe if you are 4 years old.
and here's what i turned it into. if i can just add - my family totally doesn't get what i do creativity wise. but on this project my mom actually said she loves i, and best of all i didn't even had to explain the whole Easter egg box thing - she knew what it was. so there's still hope afterall!
the original plan was to cover the roof in moss - but since i ran out of moss on another project i decided to try and find something in the store room instead. well what would you know? the perfect alternative - some flower decorating stuff! i say stuff cause i really have no clue what to call it! but it was a beautiful grey silver colour and worked wonderfully with the prima papers and flowers.
along each side i decorated it using something that was already on my desk - it's just to fitting for me. so some bar code scraps from the new prima range of papers turned out to be paper beads for the tim holtz die-cut bird to sit on.
and some beautiful diamond pins were stuck into the roof for pure bliss - and because we love bling!
a beautiful pink sprig of flowers from prima! yes prima indeed!
and some 7gypsies quotes! what would a project be without some 7gypsie humour.
...some inks and perfect pearl mists and ranger goodness had to follow.i also joined the prima papers on the edges using some tim holtz paper tapes. the bird card is from a sheet of graphic 45. and since my mom is a bird artist i had to add some birds to this little project.
and a whole bag full of old watch pieces found its way out of storage and i couldn't resist adding some time to this masterpiece.
 i also added a strip of Tim holtz border die-cuts coloured using the totally awesome sunflower perfect pearl mists. delicate and yet so very Tim like.
our challenge projects had to include a quote or saying and i found this totally awesome quote that so applies to both my and Jayson's moms. truly meaningful!
and another glimpse of the full gift box house.
i absolutely loved working on this project! and although it is totally not functional anymore after having hot glued the lid closed - i think it is a pretty something that can be looked at and bring a smile just because of it's prettyness. oh and did i mention that i was relieved to start using some of those flowers i have been hoarding for 15 years. and no the pink bottle has not dropped in fullness at all! mmm...a trip to woolies may be in order! hope you have a wonderful long weekend! FYI it really is much prettier than any picture could ever begin to show you :-) thanks for stopping by!


  1. It is absolutely gorgeous.Love it!!x

  2. love that "stuff" on the roof and the gold watch is fabulous! also like the tissue tape edges.

  3. it is amazing! I wonder how it looks in real life if this photo's don't show it's real beauty! I just want to hold it and look at all the little details!

  4. Hi Jowilna, now this is the type of Art that I love. A stunning project. I would display this in my home on the mantlepiece for all to admire. Thanks for sharing with us.


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