
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

4am wake-up call.

so for today here's a glimpse at what got me up at 4am to leave home at 6am to get to the urban brew studios in JHB at 8am studio call. as usual i over planned and prepared but with good success i think. it has been a long morning and i am ready to take a nap.
sitting around for hours on end doing nothing is quite frustrating...but such is a day in the life of famous people like the one below...and many others i shared the day with like Elvis Blue, Tobie Cronje, Annamart v d Merwe, Carmen, Ed and and and....
i am glad it's all over and done with....i get very nervous doing these kinds of things. but it's just another thing to cross off my bucket list. i must say i have crossed off many things off of my list in the last 6 years.
i have so many projects done and waiting to be completed and shared with you all. also in the pile to be photographed is my December daily album i have been working on. for the first time i have chosen to skip tim's 12 tags of Christmas - ooh gasp! yes i may include some ideas in my other project i am working on. instead i have chosen to do something different - a look at things happening in and around my life in December. i am not a fan of mini-albums but this year seems to be different like lots of other things. hoping to share my album sometime soon. i hope you are slowing down somewhat in daily life and being creative to feed your soul.

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