
Friday, January 15, 2010

new. word for 2010.

This is my layout and word for 2010 – NEW. Ali Edwards continues to inspire millions of scrappers around the world with her word for each New Year. I think it is an awesome initiative and it really does get you thinking and focused for the New Year.
It wasn't even an option for me this time around.
I knew that it had to be new.
2009 was a really bad year for me on so many levels and hopefully
2010 will be much better in every aspect, physical, emotional, spiritual…
So the printer has run out of ink at a crucial time and the next best thing was to do a digital layout. I after all have the training…!
I often laugh inside myself when people ask whether
am able to do digital scrapping,
or if I would ever cross over and do digital scrapping –
when in reality I have done digital scrapping for the past 8 years!
I have been working in publishing and designing and doing magazine layouts, attended more photo shoots than I care to remember, did more styling than I ever wanted to and so I think that qualifies me in more than one way! So no – I will never totally cross over, but when I need to I can and will do some digital and hybrid scrapping. I after all love photos and telling my story even if I have no one to leave it to in the end.
It is just what I do – I create, I tell stories, I take photos and I love it.


  1. i like NEW!!!! love the layout! good luck, my friend - you deserve NEW!!! xxx

  2. God Bless you in your NEW year. I hope that it is all you want it to be.
    xxxx love Adele


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