
Saturday, December 5, 2009

my heart in a pond

on this lovely morning I am sharing my heart with you...
remember that whosoever you come across in life has a heart,
it's fragile and can be ripped apart at any time
scarred for life
How amazing are these heart shaped leaves of the waterlily in our pond.
God shares His heart with me everyday
What does your heart look like this morning?
A thankful heart!
Photo: Jowilna Nolte from our pond by the front door


  1. gorgeous photo!! yes, God does exhibit Himself in so many ways!!

  2. Beautiful photo! I agree - God leaves little love notes for un in His creation - all we have to do is to discover them! I love the birdy tree / shrub. Not sure what the real name is but the flower looks exactly like little birds - complete with a little beak and wings. To me it's just another sign of God's sense of humour!


  3. Hi Jowilna
    I love reading your blog. I love that you are a local artist and most of what you use is available here in SA. You are so artistic and inspiring and your gentle spirit is evident in all that you do. Thank you for your efforts and generosity and for inspiring others to do more and to be better than they thought they could be.


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