
Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am honored to have gotten this from amanda who tagged me this week and gave me this honest award ...the idea is to list 10 honest things about yourself...mmm a tough one
1. I have no maternal instinct at all! And that's ok!
2. I love being alone in my own quiet space - too many people too much c(*&p
3. I hate people who think they are better than others
4. I absolutely love the ocean and crave water
5. When i was young and stupid and a rebel I got a tattoo
6. I am addicted to collecting patterned paper
7. If God takes you to a place He will also give you the grace to go through it
8. I hate shopping with a passion
9. I am not a housewife - I hate cooking and cleaning
10. I craft because it is a God given talent not to be taken for granted
and I pass this award onto the following girls to be honest
4. Melani de Groot


  1. You will be surprised to see the corresponding facts between us!!!!

  2. As the saying goes "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom". Your post made me think.......... I'm honestly addicted to scrapbooking!! (and the scrap goodie shopping part - of course!!)


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