
Monday, October 19, 2009

to clarify matters ...

In light of the recent post and comments on my blog I would like to clarify a few matters. It seems that people are under the impression that I was not treated the same as all the other teachers (internationals). In light of my post “What I have learned” I would like to clarify – the things that I have learned have in no way any implication towards Glenda, Scrapbookex or any of the helpers and volunteers. The things I have learned are based on my experiences of life in general. If you know me at all, and if you have read many of my comments on my blog then you will know that I often have days and moments where life and people just doesn’t make sense and I being myself voice my feelings. I feel ripped off by the high costs of internet in SA (one of the highest in the world) – but this doesn’t mean that I am pointing a finger at any of the service providers in the country…it simply means that I feel someone should be doing something about it and that it is not fair!

So to get back to the convention….From the word go, Glenda treated me as she treated all of the other teachers. I won’t refer to them as internationals because in my eyes they were my fellow teachers and just as down to earth and honored as myself to be there. To have been asked to teach at such an event that is rated as one of the best in the world is a great honour. I can honestly say that the lot of us – Melissa (OZ), Tracie (UK), Tami (USA), Cathie & Carol (Canada), Mike (USA), Laura & Erin (USA) and I were such a fun bunch. I pride myself in being a very Religious person as were all of them – realising that God has opened a door, an opportunity for all of us. We spent a lot of time together, made friendships for life and shared personal experiences with each other – we laughed and cried. I met some really special people that became friends! And I don’t take my friendships lightly at all!

So in light of all that has been said about me not being treated fairly – here is my answer: I was given a wonderful opportunity and have been truly blessed by the experience. Because I taught the KI Memories class and the KI Memories products were sponsored by them and the other was sponsored by the convention, the same deal did not apply to me as would to all the other teachers who represented their companies. I knew this from the start and everything about it was discussed and the decisions made were agreed upon by both of us. I chose not to go to Kichaka. I chose to spend the Monday and Tuesday at home catching up on some work, because I had other commitments. I chose to travel to Cape Town a day earlier and spend it with my brother and his family and then meet up with Glenda and the teachers for the day trip on the Thursday. I chose the day trip in the hopes of going up Table Mountain – so it didn’t happen but neither did it happen the previous times I happen to be in Cape Town. And that’s OK! I had a wonderful Convention and teaching experience and made a whole bunch of new friends, got some new customers who are attending my regular classes and got some wonderful comments from people in the industry whom I look up to. Glenda and all the other teachers are most generous individuals whether it be with their knowledge, creativity, friendship and products! We as South Africans can be proud of the event that is put together by Glenda, Gary and their team.
I now consider this matter closed and will post more wonderful pictures of our day trip as well as the convention!
PS. Between the lot of us there were close to 12 000 photos taken in a matter of days, and it will take some time to filter through all of them. We all shared the photos that we took which was such a nice gesture! Thanks again for a wonderful time guys and girls!! Miss you all stacks!


  1. Hi, Jowilna-- So glad to read this clarification, hope all the "haters" and critics of mutual friends and supporters of the industry see it too! Congratulations on your recent success, hope it brings you many opportunities. P.S. I too am never too old to learn, but will never understand why such a lovely, creative hobby seems to bring out the worst in so many people! Regards, Jennifer Rogers

  2. Thanks for clearing that up. I wish I could have attended this year, would have loved to have been in your class! Can't wait for all the photos. Hope the stamp camp went well too.


  3. Hi Jowilna ... thanks so much for clearing that up ... there were loads of misconceptions floating around cyberworld and I am thrilled to see that it was all nonsense ...

    If you are ever teaching a class in Durban let me know 'coz I sure want to be there ...

    Love, Tracy G

  4. Thanks for clearing all that up...I'm with Tracy too on a class in Durbs!

  5. After all the guess work and rumours it is nice to actually get the whos who or whats what from the one who was involved. I think the misconception was that because you are South African you didn't benefit, but ofcourse we don't know all the background discussion.... I would definitely do one of your classes again... LOVED it.

  6. Shoe at last an explanation.It has come to late tho cos I feel so upset by everything I have read here today.I hope that you werent made to say these things by anyone because it is so different to what you were saying before.You had us all wondering.I also dont understand why such a good hobby would make people adt like this but am so glad I came across your blog.I agree with Cathy-its easy to see how your first post about this caused all the confusion.From the sounds of thins your classes are great so I hope I can attend one one day.


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