
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

i have never been on Table Mountain

So many of you wanted to know where I have been lately…
Well after teaching at the convention in Johannesburg I spent a few days at home before flying to Cape Town. Unfortunately for me I did not get to go to Kichaka with the others. I have never been to a Game Farm and certainly nothing as luxurious as that so it was a pity, but that’s life.
I flew down to Cape Town on the Wednesday and spent the day and night with my brother and his family – it was nice to see the kids again as we only see them maybe once a year.
On Thursday morning my brother drove me to Sea Point to the Winchester Mansions Hotel where I met up with the rest of the teachers. We took in some sights – it was the perfect day then as luck would have it the wind came up and I still didn’t get to go up Table Mountain! It is my third try and no luck. Yes I hear you say but you are South Africa – well I have never been up Table Mountain OK!! We did however get to see some Penguins at Boulders Beach, had the most awesome piece of hake and calamari for lunch and took in some vintage window-shopping in Kalk Bay. We had a good day before heading out to Spier.

What an experience to actually stay there in the Village. I taught my class on Saturday after lunch and sneaked out the morning to go and see the Raptures and the Cheetahs. Had a Barn Owl sit on my hand and got some really cool pics up close and personal – what an experience. Didn’t get to go into the Cheetah enclosures though and had no-one with me to take a single photo so figured it wasn’t really worth my while!
I did get to meet some of my Cape Town friends, fellow crafters and talented stampers and we got to visit for a short while which was good.
On Sunday morning early while the delegates were arriving I caught an early plane back to Johannesburg. Wish I could have stayed for the day – but things didn’t work out that way. In a nut shell that was my time away. Will post more picture collages soon, and working on some exciting new projects that I will share as well.

For now it is finalizing the last of the kits for Stamp Camp this weekend and redesigning a card or two as I am not quite happy with what I have done…mmm


  1. hi jowilna, i am sure in the future, you will still have the chance to go on table mountain, but the penguins at boulders are a real treat too!!

  2. Hey you got to teach in Cape Town... nice one... I think for me the highlight is having the barn owl sit on your arm... wow talk about up close and personal! Best you plan another trip to Cape Town and definitely do the mountain thing... it's soooooooo worth it once you're up there.

  3. I'm posting here because I am very surprised to see that Helen Tilbury did not have the courage of her convictions and has deleted the post that brought me to your blog.

    I am utterly appalled that you were purposely excluded from the trip to the luxury game lodge. I would be interested to know how the organisers justified this decision. The fact that you are a local teacher should play no role whatsoever, you added just as much value to the convention as the international teachers and spent just as much time preparing your class as they did and put in just as much effort in sharing your talent and expertise with the delegates. You were an integral part of the teaching team and as such should have been involved in everything that they did. Your exclusion from what I think must have been the highlight of the entire convention experience for the other teachers is total discrimination and is an absolute disgrace!

    I know someone who was a local presenter at a previous convention and I know for a fact that she was not paid for her class, instead she was told that the 'prestige' of teaching at the event and the 'exposure' she would get from being involved was fair compensation for her efforts. Unless they've changed their no-pay policy when it comes to locals, which I doubt, I would like to know how exactly you feel you've benefitted from your association with the convention?

    I would think a perk of teaching alongside international celebrities is the networking opportunity it provides, however you were blatantly excluded from all the bonding and camaraderie that clearly took place at the game lodge and there is nothing 'prestigious' about that!
    It is insulting and grossly unfair to say the least and I am ashamed that the organisers would treat 'one of their own' with such disrespect.

    Why do they even bother getting local presenters when it is clear that they do not value or reward their involvement anywhere near as highly as the overseas teachers? It is inexcusable and tantamount to slave labour.

    Little wonder so many of our most talented scrapbookers have all but disappeared, I guess they all got tired of being taken advantage of and being treated like second class citizens in their own country.

  4. Shoe now I am only more confused.I went to read Michelles blog but cant find it, funny cos usually when someone has one then you can click on their name.I have also looked on Helens blog but cant see anything about the convention there.Shoe Michelle sounds very upset and has said what so many people must surely be thinking hey?And to think that local teachers don't get paid - this is so much for me to take in. I am so sad to read about this all. Thanks for drawing everyones attention to it tho


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