
Monday, April 13, 2009


Yvonne Hellyar...please contact me with your postal address to send out your parcel. thanks!


I am relieved to say that I have cleared out about 6 boxes of paper work and junk! I purged about 4 large boxes and 4 boxes for donations! I am left with 40 boxes all sorted with only paper. This is a huge thing that I have accomplished and I feel so much better for doing it! The one good thing is that I found something dear to my heart that was missing for close onto 3 years! That's aweful I know! it is an unmounted stamp from PaperArtsy that a dear friend gave me! I had filed it just before we moved and only discovered it now after all this time. My theory is that there has been a lot of water under the bridge and some forgiveness has taken place on both ends and I had cleared all channels to find it again! I am greatful! Needless to say I love the image and used it on some swaps that I am working on! Friends are awesome. The image here is of a Smell the Coffee ATC swap we recently did and this is only a taste.

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